Tuesday, January 22, 2019

There's a reason we're discussing Slipknot in 2019.

Track: Spit It Out
Artist: Slipknot
Album: Slipknot (self-titled)
Year: 1999
Genre: Nu Metal

Energy. Chaos. Catharsis.

If someone asked me to summarize a Slipknot concert in three words, except no one did, I'd choose these. And that is just from videos available online. I expect I will have no words left once I experience it myself. Come on 2019, prove me right!

Now, this song isn't their best one by any stretch of imagination. The only reason I chose it to showcase Slipknot was this powerful moment around 7:06 where the crowd kneels and jumps up in unison. 

The song came out in 1999. This video is in 2009. We are in 2019 now, and Slipknot have a new song out (All Out Life). Though a crucial part of their act, if you keep the masks and antics aside, you'll find music (no, it's not noise and yes, I don't care what you think) that appeals across generations and lyrics that real people living real lives relate with. None of the fluff and bling of pop and rap.

A genre-defining band, there is absolutely no limit to what they can create. With Joey Jordison acting as a puppet-master from his throne, his beats command every note, every riff and every word that the band "spits out" (Hehe, see what I did there?). Corey raps like a God, and has the crowd on his little finger. Not many things in this world can get so many people together to a single location with a single purpose. Just makes you pause and realize how powerful music can be.

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